Color utilities

Background colors

Solid colors

.bg-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Light colors

.bg-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Other colors

Some other fade colors are available for background-color.


Gradient colors

gradient colors
gradient colors in dark theme

SVG Img Background

SVG Background with color
SVG Background with Transparent color

Border colors

.border-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Default color

Text colors

Text colors

.text-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.


Hover colors

.hover-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.

Mayra Sibley

2 Hours

Hi there, I'm Jesse and you?

3 minutes

My name is Anne Clarc.
Mayra Sibley

40 seconds

Nice to meet you Anne.
How can i help you?